Well Gumby, I have seen some of your "Irritating Bastard" tendencies come out on quite a number of threads this past several months, especially your own. But then, after awhile, it began to sink in, that your bark is bigger than your bite. You just like bein' bad, you ol' grouch! Every time I read one of your rants or put-downs, I can just see you grinnin' from ear to ear. Gotcha!
You need to get one of those Clint Eastwood Magnum 45's, and every time you get the goat of another Poster (you can tell by how they react to you), put another notch on your 45.
Anyway, when I was a good little blind and obedient JW, happily and newly married in da 'troof, I turned Mormon. This was a direct result of doing field service, and my wife also introducing me to the very fellow that was the most influential in convincing me on Mormonism, and who also baptized me into Mormonism. (I'm sure my (ex-)wife rues the day she ever introduced me to him.)
Mine was an intellectual problem, which then became a faith problem, which then resulted in Apostasy and Disfellowshipping.
I always find it amusing that when you exchange one religion for another, the "One" you leave is condemning you to eternal death, while the "Other One" is giving you God's eternal blessings for seeing the "Truth". Must be kinda confusing for poor ol' God up there, looking down on us humans, one condemning in His Name, while the other Blessing in His Name.
Now upon experiencing DF and the Shunning that followed, I had mixed feelings. I was angry over the Shunning policy, which I considered to be anti-Biblical and anti-Christian. At the same time, I was the one that had created this mess by leaving the JW religion, and joining the Mormons, thereby causing the marriage to be torn in two, right down the middle. It would have been better if I had just faded away into inactivity, than to do what I did in my crusading and Godly conversion mentality. But no, I had to jump from the frying pan into the fire. There was nothing luke warm about me. I was doin' all this for God and Truth! What could possibly be wrong or bad about that....? (Plenty!!!!!)
So anyway, partly because of Self-Blame, I took the position of sympathy and empathy and understanding towards my wife and her family. If I was just patient and kind and tolerant, etc. then by example they might see the light. The other reason was that now that I was Mormon, and of course, I had the Truth, and the JW's didn't, then I needed to set the example as the True Christian. And so I respected my wife's position of no talking about anything spiritual in accordance with their rules. I drove her and out kids to their JW meetings, and let them have home Bible studies, and all that. I was a model citizen in this department, at least for a time.
Then I discovered things that were going on behind my back. Such as, my wife going to the grade one teacher of our oldest daughter, and telling the school system to keep our daughter out of any school functions that are against her religion (flag saluting, singing national anthem, Christmas, Halloween and Easter,etc.). No asking, no discussing, no sharing. Just sneaking around about it, and putting things in place in a devious manner in the name of Jehovah and da "troof". I was livid, and disgusted, and had enough. No more Mr. Nice Guy! Look where "being nice" had got me. So I got really pro-active, and went to the school authorities and set things in motion to reverse everything my wife had schemed and manipulated without my knowledge. This was not a marriage; this was spiritual warfare, and it was time to do battle. It also resulted in our separation, and eventual divorce.
Later we got divorced, she remarried and so did I. So there I was a happy Mormon, who married a nice Mormon girl, and later, a couple more kids. Then I discovered a whole pile of crap about Mormonism, and once again a spiritual crisis in the making, which likewise ended up in leaving the religion, and subsequently divorce. This last go around was about 25 years ago, and I have never joined another church or religion since. The kids are all grown up and living their own lives.
Anyway, I am happy to be out of "Organized Religion" of any kind, and am happy and content to be free, pursuing spiritual matters on my own terms without a bunch of straight-jacket rules and regulations, doctrines and dogmas, and do not have to worry about lies and cover-ups, secrecies and hidden agendas that religions often become involved with as self-preservation tactics. I just don't trust them! The other thing is, when it comes to money, these religions are very good at getting you to part with your hard-earned income. They can be pretty blatant and obvious at times, but also can be quite devious and secretive on financial matters, making you wonder "What has this got to do with God and Spirituality?"
Now I am not one to try to convert someone to my own brand of belief or spirituality, even though I am willing to share my respective points of view on different topics. (That's what this forum is about, isn't it.)
But at the same time, I notice on other threads around here, that there are a number of 'postate activities going on that are aimed at the JW's, and which have their own kind of missionary zeal. And, in this regard, I cannot help but share in that enthusiasm.
For example, one has to do with writing little messages on post cards and sending them to certain JW "friends" or acquaintances. Little things, like raising a question here and there about some of the dubious or inconsistent things the GB is involved with at the top (eg. UN, changing doctrines, weird beliefs long forgotten, etc.) This is about planting little seeds in the minds of JW's that could cause them to pause and to question just what it is that they are following. This could motivate them to start questioning and searching for answers, etc. I think that is a good thing.
This is not about converting them to another belief system. It is, rather, getting them to question things, getting out of their "comfortable pews" and to start thinking a little for themselves, instead of just blindly following a system of religion. That is a whole different ball game than trying to convert them to another system. They are still left the freedom to decide for themselves what it is that they do believe, or what they may ultimately want to replace the failing JW belief system with.
There are two main reasons why I think it is good for us 'postates to participate in "chipping away at the JW armour". The first is that the GB at the top has a most destructive policy on blood transfusions. Thousands of people, including innocent children, have died, or been allowed to die, over this unscriptural and bogus doctrine. It, IMHO, should not be allowed to remain unchallenged, or it will just go on and on and on, with more people continuing to die needlessly. The second is this terrible practice of Shunning that is wreaking untold harm and damage on so many individuals and families and marriages. It is a Crime, in my books, and needs to be challenged at every turn. The R& F JW's need a good shaking, and the GB needs a good shake-up, exposing them for what they are. Enough is quite enough already!
So maybe this peace-loving guy is a late bloomer, by turning into another one of those "irritating bastards" LOL
Rod P.